Bobbie Burgers
A Window or A Mirror

Bobbie Burgers
A Window or A Mirror

Equinox Gallery is pleased to present A Window or A Mirror, an exhibition of new works by Bobbie Burgers. Burgers’ new works expand her exploration of the natural world where mystery comes into close contact with observation and emotion. Bobbie Burgers’ interest in this subject is in step with international developments, where a renewed and urgent focus on the natural world can be seen around the world in contemporary practices.


Maggee Day

Maggee Day

Maggee Day’s works are notable for a sense of freedom, cultivated by the space outside of the canvas as much as what is in and on the paintings’ surfaces. Compelled by the architecture, streetscape, and views observed from her studio and home, the ingresses to Day’s spaces—windows and doorways—are the foundation of her recent bodies of work. Her choice of the familiar as the fundamental site of her study allows for a more experimental yet detailed exploration of materials and processes, and while her paintings appear as abstractions, they are in fact drawn from her surroundings. She explains: “Placing parameters on my work has been the opposite of restricting, it has encouraged new ways of thinking or creating.” Her paintings serve as a type of visual archive, responding to changes in the city, its seasons, and environments, with each painting beginning anew in response to ever-changing external stimulus.


Neil Wedman
Ice Caves

Neil Wedman
Ice Caves

Neil Wedman的Ice Caves作品是通过混合丙烯颜料,将其大幅稀释,直至尽可能接近水的浓度。Wedman垂直握住画布,从瓶子里小心翼翼地将颜料倒入画布表面。然后熟练地倾斜及旋转每块画布,引导颜料流动。这时,媒介和主题开始相互呼应--当一层层液体凝固时,它们就像冰洞中可能出现的流石和其他物质。由此产生的画作呈现出一种独特的视觉语汇,这种语汇慢慢地展现出来。


Renée Van Halm

Renée Van Halm

在漫长而专注的职业生涯中,Renée Van Halm一直对其他艺术家的创造力及表达方式感兴趣,尤其是那些在手工艺和设计领域工作的人。她的创作参考了广泛的资料,从特定时代的家用油漆颜色,到包豪斯设计小组女性成员制作的编织图案,以及在目前的作品中,19 世纪 80 年代末作为女性表达个性的重要时尚配饰而制作的布条图案,即通常所说的法式丝带。
展览的名称 "IRL"是 "in real life"(现实生活中)的缩写,这个词是在互联网发展初期出现的,用来区分发生在互联网及其投射的主观性和幻想之外的离线事件和互动。这个标题表明,Van Halm对图案、色彩和设计对社会和文化生活产生的真实、有形的影响很感兴趣。在亲自欣赏她的作品时,可以观察和感受到纤细笔触的物理特征和画布的物质性,人们的注意力会被现实生活中生动的构图所激活。


Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith是西海岸一代著名画家、建筑师、诗人、音乐家和作家中的佼佼者,他有着开放的好奇心,在艺术创作中不断尝试。太平洋沿岸独特的自然风光给了他无限的灵感。他被树木的网络、灌木丛的缠绕、沼泽的倒影、树枝上的雪花所吸引--即大自然在春、秋、冬三季循环往复、四季轮回。


The After Party

The After Party

欢迎来到"The After Party"这里汇集了各种艺术作品,展示了人们对情感的期待和释放--尤其是在我们刚刚经历疫情过后。在新的社会条件下,我们会有一种集体的尴尬。受Maxwell Bates作品的启发,"The After Party "以他的作品为起点,传达了人们在适应激烈的混乱时期时,人际关系中的紧张状态。希望这些跨越不同时期的作品能成为跳板,让我们以各种方式思考我们当前复杂而又常常孤立的生存状态。
本次展览包括Maxwell Bates, Kim Dorland, Gathie Falk, Rodney Graham, Angela Grossmann, Fred Herzog, Jack Kenna, Neil Wedman等艺术家的作品。


Isabel Wynn

Isabel Wynn

Equinox Gallery 很高兴宣布画廊开始代理雕塑家Isabel Wynn的作品。Wynn出生于巴西圣保罗,在不列颠哥伦比亚省斯蒂维斯顿长大,曾在兰加拉学院和艾米丽卡尔大学学习陶艺,并在那里奠定了她当前雕塑实践方法的基础。通过粘土这一媒介,她的创作实践是对控制与不确定性之间平衡的探索。
Primarily crafted on the potter’s wheel, Isabel Wynn’s works involve a process of throwing, attaching, and warping to create dynamic and expressive forms. The artist explains: “I was initially drawn to large traditional forms in wheel throwing however my interest in achieving perfection gradually shifted over time as modes of experimentation revealed unexpected and intriguing outcomes.” The expanded scale of her work reflects an especially physical practice, where bodily movement and interaction with the material is highly significant. The resulting sculptures echo parts of the body, complete with folds of skin, slumped flesh, arched spines, and wounds—all reflections of the artist’s bodily experiences.In her works, movement and time appear suspended, capturing moments between the artist’s body and the material.


Philippe Raphanel
New Paintings

Philippe Raphanel
New Paintings

Philippe Raphanel draws on a variety of influences to create atmospheric compositions that resist a single interpretation. Since immigrating to Canada from France in 1981, Raphanel has been profoundly affected by the dense wilderness of British Columbia as well as the work of historical Canadian painters such as Emily Carr. While landscape and the natural world are at the core of his practice, Raphanel’s paintings present a visual experience that suggests a set of open questions about how natures and its energy reveal themselves. His visual vocabulary includes elements familiar to the forest – branches, nests, leaves – while maintaining a looseness in their application that allows for new forms and associations to emerge.


Angela Grossmann
The Silver Suite

Angela Grossmann
The Silver Suite

Angela Grossmann的作品富有表现力、笔触流畅,而且经常令人捉摸不透。她的作品可能被认为是传统的肖像画,但实际上她把这种类型的作品带入了新的方向。虽然Grossmann的描绘具有显著的肖像特征,但更重要的是,她把心理洞察加入了对西方社会中女性的形象化过程中。她通过观察、记忆和生活经验,被身体形态赋予了力量,并在此主题的创作上实践了四十余年。


Gwenessa Lam
Before Present

Gwenessa Lam
Before Present

Gwenessa Lam是一位视觉艺术家和艺术教育家。她的艺术作品源于对感知以及图像中时间和记忆的压缩之兴趣。Lam 对于文物因灾难、审查或误认而丧失时的心理和社会影响表现出浓厚兴趣。
Lam 获得英属哥伦比亚大学艺术学士学位和纽约大学艺术硕士学位。她曾在纽约大学、英属哥伦比亚大学和阿尔伯塔艺术大学任教。Lam 曾在 Skowhegan、MacDowell Colony、Yaddo 和 Banff Centre 实习。她的作品曾在纽约布朗克斯艺术博物馆和皇后区艺术博物馆展出。Lam 在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华生活和工作,现任艾米莉卡尔艺术与设计大学副教授。
