Jack Kenna
How Slowly Time Passes, How Quickly Things Change
Jack Kenna
How Slowly Time Passes, How Quickly Things Change
Jack Kenna’s practice is defined by an energetic visual style where he reflects the dynamic nature of our media saturated world. His index of imagery is expansive, derived not only from published sources but also from personal experience, giving him the freedom to merge historical still life painting with his own vast archive of cell phone photography and imagery. This breadth of reference allows him to create works that convert the paradoxes inherent in the contemporary experience.
展览的标题提供了对时间的易变性和矛盾性的反思,它通过标示时间流逝的物体来体现:日历、蜡烛、鲜花、时钟,甚至一杯热咖啡的冷却。这个标题也与如何通过技术的无情 "进步 "来追踪时间有关,过时的iPhone、过时的电子产品以及1970年代模块化合成器的旋钮和表盘都是代表。这些作品还揭示了一些主题和符号,这些主题和符号讲述了一种特殊的后流行经验模式,主要由与世界的数字互动所决定。就其本身而言,电源线、电线和电缆似乎是用来维持工作和生活功能的普通物品。在这里,它们被夸大了--电源插头插满了电线板,纠缠的电缆向各个方向延伸,它们激活了画布,暗示了一种过度工作、过度刺激和失去时间的状态。
Jack Kenna
A multifaceted artist, Jack Kenna learned the aesthetics and techniques of stained glass from his mother, an accomplished artist in this realm. Drawing from his repeated experience of moving houses and studios over the years, Kenna has inadvertently collected dozens of plastic milk crates, using them for storage as well as makeshift DIY furniture. And now, these versatile objects serve as the basis for his art objects, accruing even greater value and purpose. The artist removes one side of each milk crate, refitting it with stained glass compositions that combine elements of Minimalism, Op art, and hard-edge abstraction in their design. Some sculptures are stacked into columns, others are randomly placed on the floor, while still others are lit from behind suggesting illuminated church windows or light boxes used in contemporary advertising (and subsequently in photography). By manipulating and combining such paradoxical materials, Kenna’s sculptures embody strength and fragility in surprising, witty, and elegant ways.
Special Project
future relics of our time
Special Project
future relics of our time
Equinox Gallery 十分高兴为大家呈现“这时代的未来遗物”—— 由 Andrea Valentine-Lewis策划的Serisa Fitz-James、Jack Kenna 和 Isabel Wynn陶瓷作品展。在中世纪,与圣人和圣地相关的物品备受欢迎。由于它们与圣徒或天堂本身的联系,所以诸如头发或身体部位之类的遗物被认为是神圣的。“遗物”一词源自拉丁语 relinquere,意思是“留下的东西”,这些物品成为后代的时间标记。深虑过中世纪遗物的物质和情感维度,大家会思考,什么将构成我们当前时代的未来遗物。
点击此处阅读策展人 Andrea Valentine-Lewis 的文章。
Jack Kenna, Outside the Outside, 2023
Jack Kenna, Outside the Outside, 2023
Jack Kenna, Flower = Happy, 2023
Jack Kenna, Flower = Happy, 2023
Jack Kenna, Silverwood’s (Breeze Block III), 2022
Jack Kenna, Silverwood’s (Breeze Block III), 2022
Jack Kenna, Scholle Corp. (Whitney I), 2022
Jack Kenna, Scholle Corp. (Whitney I), 2022
Jack Kenna, Pretty Machine 3, 2022
Jack Kenna, Pretty Machine 3, 2022
Jack Kenna, Time Keeps on Slipping, 2021
Jack Kenna, Time Keeps on Slipping, 2021
Jack Kenna, Snuff (Orange on Orange), 2022
Jack Kenna, Snuff (Orange on Orange), 2022