Hamed Rashtian, Plain, 2022-2024

Hamed Rashtian
Word Sculptures

Hamed Rashtian
Word Sculptures

Equinox Gallery is delighted to present a solo exhibition of new bronze works by Hamed Rashtian. Inspired by the history of concrete poetry and the methods poets employ to abstract literature into visual forms, Rashtian aims to distill poems into single words. In this exhibition, poetry finds new dimensions through the interplay of form and meaning, beckoning viewers to discover and unravel the hidden realms of language and visual art.
The exhibition opens on Thursday, October 17th. For more information, please contact the gallery at info@equinoxgallery.com


Hamed Rashtian

Hamed Rashtian

Equinox Gallery is pleased to present Reveries, a special project with Vancouver-based artist Hamed Rashtian. Rashtian’s thought-provoking exploration of Iran’s rich cultural heritage offers a view into the ever-evolving interplay between history, collective identity, and the built environment. Through a series of intricate and detailed bronze sculptures, the artist seeks to uncover the roots of the collective identity of the region’s past through multi-layered architectural structures that blend pottery elements with fragments inspired by Iranian architecture. Rashtian’s quest into these ideas was initially ignited by a series of books edited and written by his mentor in sculpture, Parviz Tanavoli, a prominent figure in Iranian Modern Art, whose expertise and guidance influenced his artistic vision.
Hamed Rashtian 在温哥华Emily Carr University of Art + Design获得艺术硕士学位,并持有苏黎世 F+F 艺术与设计学院颁发的瑞士联邦高等教育文凭。自 2006 年以来,Rashtian 一直活跃在视觉艺术领域,曾在伊朗、瑞士和阿拉伯联合酋长国举办过个人展览,并参加过许多国际联展。他是温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学互动艺术与技术学院的博士生。
如需了解现有作品清单,请通过以下方式联系画廊 info@equinoxgallery.com或 (604) 736-2405。


Hamed Rashtian, Void, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Footprint, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Curve, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Slowly, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Concealed, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Corner, 2022

Hamed Rashtian, Non Place, 2022