Fred Herzog: Black and White

Fred Herzog: Black and White

Fred Herzog: Black and White is the first acknowledgement of a lesser-known facet of the photographer’s work. Complementing the seminal Modern Color, this book presents “a concentrated selection from the larger history of black-and-white photography.” With a text by Geoff Dyer.


Fred Herzog: Modern Color

Fred Herzog: Modern Color

The New York Times lists this publication in the top ten photo books of 2016. A comprehensive monograph featuring 230 colour and black & white images, many never before reproduced.


Fred Herzog: Photographs

Fred Herzog: Photographs

A comprehensive collection of the published works of Fred Herzog with essays by the authors.


Fred Herzog
of Time and Place

Fred Herzog
of Time and Place

没有其他艺术家像Fred Herzog那样全面地记录了温哥华的城市生活,并具有如此持久的洞察力。他21岁时在德国购买了他的第一台相机,一台柯达Retina 1,他从战争期间在柯达工作的父亲那里了解到这台相机。Herzog在温哥华最早的一些照片是用Retina 1拍摄的,但这个型号的镜头速度很慢,而且没有测距仪,因此,他更喜欢使用Lecia C进行街头摄影,因为它很小,可以放在口袋里。他在弱光和拥挤的地方工作时使用不同的镜头,同时拍摄的图像在构图和自发性方面达到了罕见的平衡。of Time and Place汇集了艺术家档案中的早期黑白图片和他的先锋彩色街头摄影,并通过摄影展示了 "你如何看待和如何思考 "的能力。


Paying Attention
at the Fairmont Pacific Rim

Paying Attention
at the Fairmont Pacific Rim

Berenice Abbott
William Eggleston
Walker Evans
Fred Herzog
Geoffrey James
Vivian Maier
George Tice
Equinox Gallery十分荣幸与Westbank旗下坐落于与Fairmont Pacific Rim酒店的Pacific Gallery合作,推出这场含括Berenice Abbott, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Fred Herzog, Geoffrey James, Vivian Maier 和 George Tice作品的摄影群展 " Paying Attention"。这些作品阐述了在快速增长和过渡时期下,城市环境演变中转瞬即逝的、经常被忽视的时刻。这些摄影师跨越了过去100年的几个城市,他们的共识是:现代生活中最熟悉的东西往往是最无常的,其意义可能只有在它消失后才能感受到。
作为城市的漫游者,本次展览的摄影师利用不同的美学策略,在一张图片中呈现出过去、现在和未来的炼金术。从Berenice Abbott在20世纪30年代拍摄的纽约市引人注目的建筑图片,到Fred Herzog在20世纪50年代拍摄的温哥华早期彩色场景,"Paying Attention" 中的摄影师们各自探索了我们的环境随着时间的推移被塑造和重塑的大小方式。
本场展览由Equinox Gallery及Capture Photography Festival呈现。


Fred Herzog
East Vancouver

Fred Herzog
East Vancouver

Fred Herzog: East Vancouver is focused on Herzog’s photographs of the east side of Vancouver. After emigrating to Canada in the early 1950s, Herzog began photographing Vancouver’s streets on regular walking excursions. While he lived and worked in the West End and the west side of the city, Herzog was particularly attuned to Chinatown, Strathcona, and what is now known as the Downtown Eastside, three neighbourhoods that sustained his interest for over 50 years. His use of colour was unusual in the 1950s and 60s, a time when art photography was almost exclusively associated with black and white, and it is through this use of colour film that Herzog developed a sensitive and thoughtful visual compendium of parts of the city.
本次展览是Capture Photography Festival分展。


Fred Herzog
A Life in Pictures

Fred Herzog
A Life in Pictures

Equinox Gallery很高兴推出 Fred Herzog: A Life in Pictures, 一场艺术家个人收藏的老照片及相机展览。这次展览汇集了在艺术家个人暗房里冲洗的早期黑白照片、从未面世的艺术家在圣保罗大学期间所拍摄的照片以及他开创的彩色街头摄影。这次展览体现了Herzog对媒介的理解,并如他所说,"你怎么看,你怎么想",创造了拍摄照片的正确时机。


Primary Colour

Primary Colour

Primary Colour展出了1950年至1983年的早期彩色街头摄影,包括了Fred Herzog, Vivian Maier, Gordon Parks, Helen Levitt, Harry Callahan, Ernst Haas, Saul Leitr, Joel Meyerowitz, William Eggleston的作品。本次展览中的每一位摄影师都采用并调整了街头观察者们在城市生活事件时的精神特质。在使用彩色胶片的挑战下,他们希望观察与捕捉并行,这些照片的坦率和引人注目的性质模糊了艺术表达和纪实记录之间的界限。



Made Still

Made Still

为您呈现Jessica Eaton、Marten Elder、Adad Hannah、Fred Herzog、David Hockney、Robert Mapplethorpe、Eadweard Muybridge、Nathalee Paolinelli和Andy Warhol的作品。


Fred Herzog, Hub & Lux, 1958