Dempsey Bob
Dempsey Bob
Dempsey Bob
Equinox Gallery很高兴地为您介绍即将举办的展览: Dempsey Bob.Dempsey Bob是狼族的一位杰出的Tahltan and Tlingit艺术家。他出生于1948年,1969年开始在他最早的导师Freda Diesing指导下进行雕刻。Dempsey Bob的雕塑既传统又先锋,他将传统的叙事和图腾与当代的影响相融合。他的动态雕塑以高度生动的雕塑重新想象传统,承认他们所依赖的血统,同时融入了对雕塑的广阔视野和理解。
查看作品Dempsey Bob
New Works
Dempsey Bob
New Works
Dempsey Bob’s distinctive masks, boxes, and sculptures are striking for their hallmarks. Smooth and seductive surfaces, voluptuousness of form, and expressive shifts in proportion are unique to his oeuvre. Ian Thom, senior curator at the Vancouver Art Gallery, remarks on Bob’s inventiveness and prowess as an artist: “The plasticity of the carving is striking: it is deep, with fluid lines, almost as if Bob had carved butter rather than wood. It would be a mistake, however, to dwell on the technical skill of the piece, because the power of this and all Bob’s work comes from the strength of his imagery.”